
Monday, May 25, 2015

They Say All Good Things Must Come to An End!

Well, it is time for me to go home!  I've had a wonderful time and so glad I took this time to see new places and meet new people.  Thank you for reading my blog....I mainly wrote it for my family, but decided to share it on FB for anyone else who was interested.  The blogs will be much fewer now that I'm going home to Virginia.  My busy Victory Lap continues....I'm going to Arkansas for about 12 days soon.  We will celebrate Wilson's 10th birthday and my son John and his boys, Eli and Wilson are riding back with me to the Outer Banks to my beach house.  All my children and grandchildren will be spending a week together having fun in the sun!  It's been a couple of years since we have all been together and I am really looking forward to it!

I've been in England for a little over 4 weeks and Paris just for 4 days.  I really enjoyed Paris and seeing all the 'famous' sights, but I dearly love England.  It is a beautiful country, so clean and green....probably because it rains so much!  There are flowers everywhere and the most beautiful gardens.  My very favorite place was Cornwall.  The amazing cliffs and rocky sea coasts are breathtaking.  The history is so rich here and since three out of four of my grandparents can be traced back to England (the fourth is Wales), it definitely has a special place in my heart.  My favorite places in Paris were the Eiffel Tower and the Seine that flows all through the city.  Here is my official picture from my dinner at the 58 Tour de Eiffel restaurant!

Janie, Mary and Paolo are picking me up at Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C.  I will be glad to see them!

On my last full day in London, I took the tube downtown and just walked around.  I've been watching Mr. Selfridge on Masterpiece Theatre about an American that started the first department store in London.  My grandson, Paolo, has watched it with me and wanted me to get him a present from Selfridges.  It is an enormous, unbelievable store!  There were 4 floors and took up an entire city block.  They always have amazing window displays which I'm sure was a precursor of Macy's.

I walked in Hyde Park (gorgeous), Kensington Gardens and saw Kensington Palace.  William and Kate are in Sandringham with George and Charlotte!

Kensington Palace

My final trek was to Abbey Road to see the famous zebra crossing where the Beatles album cover was photographed in front of Abbey Road Studios!

 Taken by a bystander for me!

Taken from the Abbey Road WebCam

My flight home was uneventful....I watched 3 movies!  'The Imitation Game', 'The Theory of Everything' and 'Wild'.  I arrived at Dulles to my sweet family!

I feel so blessed to have been able to take this trip.....

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